C&T Technics bv | Uden - The Netherlands

C&T Technics in Uden is a specialist in the field of thermal and chemical paint stripping.

The company was founded in 1997 and is part of the ABL Technic Group.
In addition they also offer services such as pickling steel, stainless steel, machine blasting, de-rubbing, degreasing, chemical pre-treatment and the complete logistics treatment in this regard.
They recently moved to their brand new building on the Vliegeniersstraat in Uden.
This building with its facilities is an example in the industrial cleaning world. Here you will find the very latetst new techniques, combined with a working environment that meets the strictest requirements.

Pyrox bv is pleased to announce that as a partner they have installed 2 large oven installations. An automatic mobile station has been installed between the two ovens in collaboration with MDL from Uden.

We wish Marc and all their employees the best of luck!

For further information you can visit their website :  https://www.ct-technics.nl/

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